LONGMORE, MARYKaitiaki Nursing New Zealand
Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora has entered a three-year agreement with Telstra Health to use Clinical Content managed services at all Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora Districts.
【格局新闻网专讯】新西兰政府宣布为 Te Whatu Ora (新西兰健康卫生中心)雇用的护士提供薪酬平等提议,为临时薪酬平等和解方案增加 15 亿纽元,以结束关于护理行业工资水平和欠薪的长期争议。卫生部长阿伊莎·维拉尔 (Ayesha Verrall) 表示,如果该提议被接受,Te Whatu Ora 雇用的护士将获得额外的工资上涨,并一次性...
根据其2022/23年度报告,the Whatu Ora是该国最大的皇家实体,拥有超过8万名员工。 这包括医院的一线工作人员。Whatu Ora表示,临床职位并没有被削减。 国家卫生部门负责人阿肖克·尚卡尔说,削减开支是对已经捉襟襟肘的公共卫生系统的又一次“可耻的攻击”,最终将损害所有新西兰人的健康。 “新西兰人每天都在经历一...
护士工会支持Te Whatu Ora 推行的促进工资平等的计划,尽管该方案会面临持续性的法律挑战。新西兰Te Whatu Ora卫生部门要求雇佣关系管理局下达临时命令,使工资平等,这样大多数护士的工资都会提高到14%以上。O网页链接 2新西兰·奥克兰 新西兰·奥克兰 奥克兰是新西兰最大的城市,位于新......
Virtual Tour Spark’s farm Rangiora Brown’s farm Matamata About Katz 1 / 14 Arekatera 'Katz' Maihi Katz visiting the Brown Farm in Matamata. Left to right, Wynn Brown, Tracy Brown, Katz Maihi and Anzac Tasker Geoff Spark and Katz Maihi taking a selfie ...
Te Puke was identified as one of the Ātiawa rangatira who gave some support to the Tainui/Ngāpuhi amiowhenua taua in 1819-20 when they were under siege at the Pukerangiora Pā (Smith, 2010 p362-363). That may indicate that Te Puke shared some kinship ties to the northern tribes ...
Though he met with no major U.S. officials, the trip has been condemned by Chinese officials as a provocation of Taiwan independence and PLA military drills around Taiwan have already begun in response to the visits. What more do we know about Lai Ching-te, who is currently running for ...
By http://strategic-diplomatic-relations.blogspot.fi/2015/01/turkeys-sadly-lives-according-to.html Turkey bans Charlie Hebdo cover http://www.youtube.com/feature=player_embedded A Turkish court Wednesday banned website pages that show the new cover of Charlie Hebdo, the...leggi tutto » U....
Velika podjetja pogosto uporabljajo poddomene za razlikovanje med oddelki ali deli svojega spletnega mesta. Na primer, podjetje lahko gosti svoj spletni dnevnik na poddomeni, kot je »blog.companywebsite.com«. Kontrolni seznam: Kako izbrati popolno ime domene Ta kontrolni seznam vam bo...