te whariki 课程包括了从出生到入学前的儿童。在 早教课程中确定了三个年龄组:婴儿— 出生到八个月;学步儿— 一岁 到三岁;幼儿--两岁和两岁半到入学前的年龄。同时,它承认了个体 儿童之间有很大的不同。婴儿、学步期幼儿和3-5 岁幼儿有不同的需 要和特征。这些需要和特征决定了课程内容。te whariki 课程...
新西兰训练部于 1996 年颁布《te wh.riki 》幼儿训练课程;该课程启示我们幼儿园课程应重视文化多样性; 打破学科概念,拓展课程内涵;以幼儿的学习为中心; 关键词: te whāriki 幼儿训练课程;新西兰幼儿训练;幼儿课 程 背景 新西兰自 1840 年起成为英国殖民地后,在政治、文化、经济、社会生活,乃至于训练制度等方面的...
tewhariki课程评估的目的在于对课程方案的尊重孩子的需求,透过课程的实施给予幼儿学习与成长的权利,以达成全人发展之目标。然而我国目前幼稚园的课程型态种类繁多,且多重视知识或技能的教学,忽视了幼儿教育的本质。幼教课程的革新与落实,成人应秉持以幼儿为本位的教学理念,正视幼儿的学习兴趣、能力、与需求。 参考文献 ...
新西兰Te Whariki幼儿教育课程及其启示
CC-ForProfileBooks-TeWhariki&Curriculum.doc1TE WHĀRIKI EARLY CHILDHOOD CURRICULUM At Sand Dunes Early Learning Centre we use the New Zealand National Early Childhood Curriculum Te Whāriki. The curriculum is founded on the following aspirations for children “to grow up as confident and competent ...
Abstract Due to its large and diverse population of migrants, New Zealand is now considered to be a ‘superdiverse’ country (Royal Society of New Zealand in Languages in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2013), and its early childhood education settings are also increasingly ethnically and linguistically dive...