E papaki kau ana te tai o Whangapē ki raro iho i te maunga tapu o Whakakoro - tū tonu, tū tonu Whakakoro te Maunga Moana. Ka titiro atu ra ki te awa tapu o Awaroa, rere ki uta, rere ki tai. Ka huri atu ki te marae o Te Kotahitanga, te whare tūpuna e whakaruruhau...
Kairoa pā is an historic site for Māori and an entry point for the Waikaahurangi track to Ketemarae pā, that linked northern Taranaki to southern Taranaki for hundreds of years in pre-European times. Korotiwha led Te Atiawa in the eventual defeat of the Nga-Potiki-taua of the Tarana...
Tukaki wharenui, Te Kaha-nui-a-tiki marae, Te Kaha. Dun Mihaka, Heretaunga Pat Baker, left background. June 1973John Miller