In the first planting season of Taiea te Taiao, 120,835 native plants were added to the ecological corridor. Biodiversity monitoring began using both western science and mātauranga Māori. And One of the most exciting aspects of this year has been meeting the community. Taiea te Taiao is ...
Te taiao = Maori and the natural worldBorgfeldt, Tracey., author
In traditional Māori society whakapapa describe the relationship between humans and their tātai (families) inclusive of kōrero (stories) about their inter-relations and relationships with the rest of nature (Te Ao Mārama – the natural world, Te Ahukaramu Charles Royal, Te Ara). I will endeav...
2.. Ko te whakakore i te haruru o te haruru me te whakakore i te haruru o te taiao e whakakorehia ana, e huri ana i nga wa katoa. 3.pomermer Tinium diapragm, kua oti i te hangarau whakarei AI mamati, e toru nga wa e karapoti ana i te oro. 4.32 haora o te ora pū...
If you are a kung fu enthusiast, Taizipo is also home to The Eight Immortal Temple because tai chi gets all the credit for Wudang’s martial arts. Its sometimes easy to forget the mountain is home to many other forms as well, including ones that use weapons. Wudang derives its name ...
NAU MAI WHAKATAU MAI Karanga mai ko Te Kawerau A Maki, Ko Te Wao nui a Tiriwa Mai Te Korekore ki Nga Tai a Rakataura Ko Rangihina, Ko Whangaparaoa, Ko Mahurangi Na Maki te mana me te rangatiratanga! Te Kawerau A Maki, The descendents of Te Waonui a Tiriwa...
Wi "'" sIlJ'PIi&~.d. in the light ot. aU -11qis eeldMv,.;-*~- tile .-- . . }. . ~ .. ~ . ~ .:..., taisa" rft!1,,!',t lust Rdor ~o our ~eparture, to be photogaehed with ,.- .squared ...
In Rongoā Māori (traditional Māori healing), the connection with the land stems from seeing Papatūānuku/Mother Earth as a part of our identity/whakapapa (genealogy), our culture, and our wellbeing. This qualitative study aimed to explore the holisti
TheTEreinqseurtiiornse(dBEiDn) put files are in dark purple, while other files that
In this regard, Mo-rich coarse and agglomerated intermetallic particles (~50–100 µm) were obseTrvabedle (2F. iCghuermei2ca)l, ceosmpepcoisaitliloynisn(wsat m%,pelxecsepctuftofrrSorm) atthtoepbaontdtobmott.oImt iosftMhoou-rgichhtctahstaint gsso,mmeaosuf rtehdemby were geneGraDtOed...