NEW TE RUNANGA REPRESENTATIVES WELCOMEDReports on developments in Te Runanga o Aotearoa New Zealand Nurses Organization. Selection of regional representatives; Forum of some description for nurses working for Maori ...
Tikanga Maori provides vision for health and healing: a stimulating line up of speakers set the tone for Te Runanga o Aotearoa NZNO's annual hui last month. The hui also saw the election of two new student leaders and the return of the Akenehi Hei Memorial Award taonga.(TE RUNANGA)...
Te Runanga o Te Rarawa is the tribal council representing the interests of the marae (tribal commons) and hapu (a subtribal kin group) that make up the iwi (a Maori tribe) of Te Rarawa in the far north of Aotearoa/New Zealand. In April 2005, officials approached us to help them ...
Te Tiriti o WaitangiAotearoa New Zealand histories curriculumTreaty principlesWaitangi TribunalEducation policyThis article draws attention to shifting educational discourses on the two texts of the 1840 treaty: te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Treaty of Waitangi. Policy and resource conversations in ...