Te reo rangatira : a course in Maori for sixth and seventh formsKaretu, Timoti Sam
Diğer zamanlarda, içeriğiniz atıfta bulunularak ve web sitenize geri bağlantı verilerek, ancak izniniz olmadan yeniden yayınlanır. BuSEO‘nuza yardımcı olsa da, orijinal içeriğinizi yalnızca sitenizde barındırmak isteyebilirsiniz. İçerik Kaz...
As was common practice for Māori in becoming christian, Te Puke took the European first name of Edward, or Eruera in Te Reo: hence he signed the WMS deed of sale as ‘Edward Puke’. Te Puke may have chosen ‘Edward’ in honour of Edward Meurant. Eruera and Kuramai saw out their yea...
The use of te reo Māori me ona tikanga (Māori language) or other non-English language was recorded and questions followed to find out where these languages were spoken and whether and how often the participant sought out opportunities to listen to the language. The importance of language/...
eJapmeTroiomda.to1AlapnhdaRdouivnedrTsoimtyatwo1a:sdmaye1a,suJarmedTobmyat(oA2 )anodbsReoruvneddT,o(mBa)toS2h:adnanyo6n,an(Cd ) and Simpson JdamivTeormsiattyo3inadndicReso.uJnadmToTmomatoa3t:od1ayan12d. RoundTomato1: day 1, JamTomato2 and RoundTomato2: day 6 and JamTomato3 ...
在本章第一节中我们已经学习了编译器的编译过程,所有include的头文件和define的宏都会在预编译时被替换成实际代码,也就是宏展开的过程。在今天我们再来学习另外一种预处理机制,也就是上面我们所说的条件编译选项: #if #ifdef #ifndef #else #elsif #end ...