How do you say hello in Te Reo Māori? Kia ora - Hello Mōrena - Good morning Tēnā koe - Hello to one person Kia ora/Tēna kōrua - Hello to two people Kia ora tātou/kia ora koutou - Hello everyone Tēnā koutou - Greetings to you (said to three or more people) Nau mai, haere...
How do you say hello in Te Reo Māori? Kia ora - Hello Mōrena - Good morning Tēnā koe - Hello to one person Kia ora/Tēna kōrua - Hello to two people Kia ora tātou/kia ora koutou - Hello everyone Tēnā koutou - Greetings to you (said to three or more people) Nau mai, haere...
For more information please email Courses Online: Hā o te Rā: The daily breath of te reoBeginners-Intermediate Whakarewaina tōu waka‘ Launch your waka’ and reach your language learning destination.Te Waka Tīwai Beginners and Te Waka Tētē Intermediate, have been ...
Écouter Mermaid - Te Reo Maori | English cherchez ou parcourez d’autres pistes audio pop. ✓ Téléchargement de musique libre de droits ✓ Parcourez des milliers de titres
legal language projectLegal Maori ProjectTe Reo Maorilegal systemIn this article the author explains the creation of the first dictionary of Maori language terms to express western legal concepts. Along with other countrieStephens, MāmariSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Te reo Māori is today one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s three official languages. Here's how you can learn more about te reo Māori before a visit to NZ.
The basics of any language start with saying hello and building on top of that. This app starts with hello. Kia ora te reo Maori is an app for beginners who ar…
AI Generated Mermaid, Ocean, Colors music. Free for use. 2 comments The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments Log in Join Pixabay Mermaid Ocean Colors Sea Coral Beach Waves Mythical Ai Generated Te Reo Maori...
“This has been a complex and enlightening process,” says Wellington Zoo Chief Executive and President of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Karen Fifield MNZM. “We began the journey towards our Te Reo name some time ago with the development of our kaupapa, Me Tiaki Kia Ora!”...
I am working with a number of New Zealand government agencies who are keen to have the multi-lingual support for Te Reo.I see that "Te Reo" is not an option...