Te Reo Maori: A guide to the study of the Maori LanguageSmyth, Patrick
Maori Language (Te Reo) in Multi-lingual settings I am working with a number of New Zealand government agencies who are keen to have the multi-lingual support for Te Reo. I see that "Te Reo" is not an option in the languages selection of Site Languages. As there are no ...
How do you say hello in Te Reo Māori? Kia ora - Hello Mōrena - Good morning Tēnā koe - Hello to one person Kia ora/Tēna kōrua - Hello to two people Kia ora tātou/kia ora koutou - Hello everyone Tēnā koutou - Greetings to you (said to three or more people) Nau mai, haere...
I am working with a number of New Zealand government agencies who are keen to have the multi-lingual support for Te Reo. I see that "Te Reo" is not an option in the languages selection of Site Languages. As there are no longer translation services, this becomes a language labe...
Stuff’s translated bilingual articles can be found at:https://www.stuff.co.nz/te-ao-maori/he-purongo-reo-maori *translated by AI and Stuff’s kaiwhakamāori E whakapakari ana te hinengaro rorohiko i te whakamahi i te reo Māori ki te pae matihiko rongo kōrero nui rawa atu ...
The basics of any language start with saying hello and building on top of that. This app starts with hello. Kia ora te reo Maori is an app for beginners who ar…
看过《Te Reo Maori/毛利语言》的人还看了以下文章 语言学与多语研究文科学士12-27 英语语言与文化文科硕士12-27 语言学哲学硕士12-27 英语语言和文化硕士12-27 语言和交流技术硕士12-27 语言学硕士12-27 临床语言学硕士12-27 学习语言管理硕士12-27 英语语言学文科硕士12-27 通识语言学12-27...
将“te reo Maori"翻译成中文 毛利语是将“te reo Maori"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:La Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Nueva Zelandia ha traducido la Declaración al te Reo Maorí, y ha dado a conocer su contenido e importancia. ↔ 新西兰人权委员会已将《宣言》译为毛利语,并宣传了《宣言》...
看过《Te Reo Maori/毛利语言》的人还看了以下文章 语言学与多语研究文科学士12-27 英语语言与文化文科硕士12-27 语言学哲学硕士12-27 英语语言和文化硕士12-27 语言和交流技术硕士12-27 语言学硕士12-27 临床语言学硕士12-27 学习语言管理硕士12-27 英语语言学文科硕士12-27 通识语言学12-27...
“Before this,” Mohi said, “there were only a handful of artists recording in te reo Māori.” The public’s response to the album astounded her: Waiata/Anthems debuted at No 1 on the New Zealand charts in 2019. The work, and interest in Māori music, has not subsided. This year,...