27 A whakauaina iho e ia te kikokiko ki a ratou ano he puehu; he manu whai pakau ano he one no te moana. 28 A whakangahorotia iho e ia ki waenganui i to ratou puni: ki o ratou nohoanga a tawhio noa. 29 Na kai ana ratou, tino makona; i tukua hoki e ia ki a ra...
22 He wairangi hoki taku iwi, kahore e mohio ki ahau: he tamariki kuware, kahore o ratou matauranga; e mohio ana ratou ki te mahi kino, ki te mahi pai ia kahore he matauranga. 23 I titiro ahau ki te whenua, na, kahore he ahua, e takoto kau ana, ki nga rangi ano, na...
the bullocks dragging it all the way, except at one particularly rocky place on the beach just after crossing the Taupuae; here we had to carry the plough and drive the bullocks as best we could. In