Te Kawau, Chief of the Ngati Whatua TribePaul Gauci
Arekatera Maihi Ngati Whatua ki Orakei Where to hear Te Reo Māori These experiences offer the chance to hear (and even practice) the Māori language.#MāoriCulture Book a Waka Tour crooked_compass Waka Abel Tasman Top 10 Māori experiences maneafootprintsofkupe Manea Footprints of Kupe Lear...
真正认可一个人是很重要的。使用“Kia Ora”这个词,我们认可的不仅是他们本身,还有他们的家乡和家庭的一切背景。 Arekatera Maihi Ngati Whatua ki Orakei 在哪里可以听到毛利语 你可以通过这些活动聆听乃至开口讲一讲毛利语。Terms of use© 1987–2024 HERE 200 公里...
Hilary and John Mitchell drew on whakapapa research of their own and others to include Rāwinia Barrett’s whakapapa in their publication: Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka: A History of Maori of Nelson and Marlborough, Volume 4: Nga Whanau Rangatira o Ngati Tama me Te Atiawa: The Chiefly Families...
14 He pehea ta koutou e ki na, He marohirohi tatou, he uaua ki te whawhai? 15 Kua pahuatia a Moapa, a kua piki atu ratou ki ona pa, kua heke iho hoki ana taitama, he mea whiriwhiri, kei raro, he parekura, e ai ta te Kingi, ko Ihowa, nei o nga mano tona ingoa....
30 Aue te mate mo nga tamariki whakakeke, e ai ta Ihowa, e hanga whakaaro nei, otiia ehara i te mea naku; e hipoki nei i te hipoki, ehara ia i te mea na toku wairua, he mea kia taparua iho ai e ratou he hara ki runga ki te hara: 2 E haere nei ki raro ki Ihipa...
1, 2. (a) Gini kpiapai nayugo gupai nga, pa gumba ani kina gu kungbo fugo gbua nga ani nakido kuti Mbori arengbanga kuho te? 1, 2. (a) What example shows that it is not enough to make the claim that we trust in God? jw2019 Gu sunge abinza nadumbata, aboro aaruga...
新西兰有三种官方语言:英语、毛利语和新西兰手语。 英语是主要语言,然而大约4%(14万)的人口讲毛利语。这使得毛利语成为新西兰第二常用的语言。 毛利语(opens in new window)被视为是国家的宝藏,并正在经历重大的复兴。诸如Te Wiki o te reo Māori(毛利语言周)、Kura Kaupapa毛利语言学校(从学前班到高中)和毛利...
新西兰有三种官方语言:英语、毛利语和新西兰手语。 英语是主要语言,然而大约4%(14万)的人口讲毛利语。这使得毛利语成为新西兰第二常用的语言。 毛利语(opens in new window)被视为是国家的宝藏,并正在经历重大的复兴。诸如Te Wiki o te reo Māori(毛利语言周)、Kura Kaupapa毛利语言学校(从学前班到高中)和...
14 He pehea ta koutou e ki na, He marohirohi tatou, he uaua ki te whawhai? 15 Kua pahuatia a Moapa, a kua piki atu ratou ki ona pa, kua heke iho hoki ana taitama, he mea whiriwhiri, kei raro, he parekura, e ai ta te Kingi, ko Ihowa, nei o nga mano tona ingoa....