Ngāti Koroko Kahukura Trust Apakura Rūnanga Pūrekireki marae Landowner representatives FUNDERS Freshwater Initiatives Fund administered by Ministry for the Environment, Waikato River Authority, Waikato Regional Council, Department of Conservation Jobs for Nature, Waikato Catchment Ecological Enhancement Trus...
Encourage, foster, and promote ahurea and toi Māori (culture and Māori arts) of New Zealand. Provide training for the iwi of New Zealand, including in whakairo rākau (carving) and raranga (weaving). Make grants to enable persons to study, train, and gain experience in creating Māori a...
At the start of the Taranaki Land Wars early in 1860 Taranaki, Ngati Ruanui and Ngati Rauru iwi came to the assistance of Wiremu Kingi (Te Ātiawa) with the Ratapihipihi kainga playing host. On the 4 September 1860 a military, naval and militia force from New Plymouth attacked the ...