TE Connectivity 登录/注册 我的账户 0购物车 更智能、更可靠的电网 自动重新分配是在由越来越多样化的电源组合提供的智能电网中平衡电力负载的先决条件。 阅读全文 AI 和可持续发展的影响 AI 和可持续发展正在重塑技术行业,并为未来创新设定新的目标。
•Digital Indicators •Analogue •Current Transformers •Integra Digital Metering •Kilowatt Hour Energy Meters •Transducers •Protector Trip Relays •Meter Relays •Digital Indicators •Analogue •Current Transformers © 2011 Tyco Electronics Corporation, a TE Connectivity Ltd. Company All...
9 TE Connectivity South Africa Proprietary Limited 子公司 - 10 TE Connectivity Italia Distribution S.r.l. 子公司 - 11 Wema System Hong Kong Limited 子公司 - 12 Nikkiso-Therm Co., Ltd. 子公司 50.06% 13 Advanced Fiber Products Limited 子公司 - 14 TE Connectivity Vietnam Holding Company Limit...
TE Connectivity:创造更安全、可持续、高效和互连的未来。10000人以上。工资:77.2%的岗位拿10-50K,2024年较去年增长5%。TE Connectivity是省级专精特新中小企业,在上海电子厂/电子中人气排名第5。TE Connectivity招聘需求“计算机/网络/技术类”最多占48.1%,招聘高学历
As the leading partner for today's innovation leaders and tech entrepreneurs, TE helps engineers solve tomorrow's toughest technology challenges with connectivity and sensors solutions.
This company is still known as Tyco Electronics and includes brands like Alcoswitch, AMP, Raychem, SCHRACK, DEUTSCH, Entrelec and Hirschmann Mobility. The authorized TE Connectivity Distributor Börsig sells TE products from stock and outside of the packaging units. ...
沙夫豪森, 瑞士 – 2017年6月26日— 今天,全球连接和传感领域领军企业 TE ConnecTIvity Ltd.(以下简称“TE”,纽约证交所代码:TEL)宣布,正式达成收购VOXX InternaTIonal Company旗下德国赫思曼汽车通讯设备公司的协议。 德国赫思曼汽车通讯设备公司成立于1924年,是全球领先的为乘用车和商用车的应用领域提供天线、天线系统...
TE Connectivity工资77.2%岗位拿¥10-50K。本科工资¥24.7K,硕士工资¥50.0K。按地区统计,北京工资¥25.9K,上海工资¥28.8K。 TE Connectivity薪酬区间: 6K - 50K,其中77.2%的岗位拿¥10-50K 4.8% 6-8K 9.1% 8-10K *** ? 10-15K 14.9% 15-20K 14.7% 20-30K *** ? 30-50K 3.9% 50K以上 说明...
TE CONNECTIVITY TE Connectivity是一家领先的连接器、电机和传感器解决方案提供商,为汽车、工业设备、数据通信系统、航空航天、国防、油气、消费性电子设备、能源和水下通信等各种行业提供产品和服务。产品包括端子和接头、PCB 连接器、集成电路插座、光纤连接器、RJ45 连接器、DIN 连接器、圆形连接器、高速 I/O 连接...
TE Connectivity Ltd. TEL reported first-quarter fiscal 2024 adjusted earnings of $1.84 per share, which surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate by 6.98% and jumped 20.3% year over year.The year-over-year growth was driven by strong