Te Whare Tapa Wha is a Maori health model used to encompass a patient's mental, physical, spiritual and family well-being. Connections have been made between social relationships and well-being; social relationships are vital to successful communication. The setting of an aged-care facility ...
Luke 12 Maori Bible 12 Na kei te huihui ano tera nga mano, tona tini, no ka takatakahi i a ratou ano, a ka anga ia ka korero i te tuatahi tonu ki ana akonga, ka mea, Kia tupato i te rewena o nga Parihi, ara i te tinihanga. 2 Kahore hoki he mea i hipokina e ...
Mahi a Atua is a way of life, an affirmation of whakapapa. Mahi a Atua is about encouraging institutions to reinstate matauranga Maori. Maori creation and custom stories reconnect communities.
Stuff’s translated bilingual articles can be found at:https://www.stuff.co.nz/te-ao-maori/he-purongo-reo-maori *translated by AI and Stuff’s kaiwhakamāori E whakapakari ana te hinengaro rorohiko i te whakamahi i te reo Māori ki te pae matihiko rongo kōrero nui rawa atu ...
Going forward, the Zoo will be widely referred to as Te Nukuao Wellington Zoo. Accepting a Te Reo name is a natural next step in the Zoo’s evolution towards becoming bi-cultural and re-committing to our existing use of Te Reo names for spaces in the Zoo like Te Kōhanga The Nest and...
Increasingly scientists, science programmes and institutions are adopting this wider approach to research with indigenous communities. However, because the cultural component often remains hidden in conventional research proposals and published conclusions, its application in design and practice can often be ...
Te Rongoā Maoribooklist Harakeke Tī Kōuka – The Cabbage Tree Ritual and medicine According to Māori, illness occurs when there is an imbalance between physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Rongoā, or healing, is inseparable from Te Wao Nui a Tāne, the forests of Tāne, ...
The Glasgow City Council has officially returned the preserved heads of three unidentified Maori warriors to delegates from Te Papa Tongarewa. The moko mokai had variously been gifted to the Scottish city by collectors of antiquities from as early as 1906. “We take it very, very seriously, and...
“Before this,” Mohi said, “there were only a handful of artists recording in te reo Māori.” The public’s response to the album astounded her: Waiata/Anthems debuted at No 1 on the New Zealand charts in 2019. The work, and interest in Māori music, has not subsided. This year,...
I te mea ko te kaihautu o te umanga i roto i nga rongoatanga haumarutanga ngaio me te whakakotahi mo te tata ki te 20 tau, Anviz kua whakatapua ki te arotau i nga tangata, nga mea, me te whakahaere mokowhiti, te whakapumau i nga Pakihi Iti me te Waenga o te ao me...