Te Paatu o Te Ao Hurihuri - pandemic-related virtual adaptation of an established marae-based workshop for rural doctorsHarwood, MatireMaori Health Research Review
55 A, no ka oti i a ratou he kapura te tahu ki waenga marae, i a ratou e noho tahi ana, ka noho hoki a Pita i waenganui o ratou. 56 Na ka kitea ia e tetahi kotiro, i a ia e noho ana i te marama o te kapura; a matatau tonu te titiro ki a ia, ka mea, I ...
E kīa ana tēnei mea te ako hanumi ko te tuinga o ngā wheako akoranga tuihono, akoranga ā-kanohi hoki, ā, kua tere horapa i te akoranga tapuhi huri noa i te ao. Ko te whāinga o tēnei arotake tuitui, he whakahou i ngā āhuatanga e ... S Neville,J Montayre,S Napie...
1910). Kairoa pā is an historic site for Māori and an entry point for theWaikaahurangi trackto Ketemarae pā, that linked northern Taranaki to southern Taranaki for hundreds of years in pre-European
Kūmarahou Pomaderris kumeraho, type of plant Mahi-a-rōpū collective group data analysis Mana whenua The right of the people to manage the land Manaakitanga The care and feeding of the people; also taken to mean environmental values to protect land resources Māra kai Food garden Marae Tri...