Te Aka Whai Ora is gone - but the aims of Maori nurses stay trueLONGMORE, MARYKaitiaki Nursing New Zealand
Anviz Ko ia te kaiwhakarato matua o te ao mo te koiora, te tirotiro ataata, te kaainga atamai mohio me nga otinga whare atamai.
I whai oranga mā runga I te tohorā Te wai nō rua whetū Te kou o rehua Nō mua noa atu Tua atu I te tohu He whakairo kua muhu Ka hui ki te ariki Whakaterea ngā ngaru He tama whakamautai Ko hina kei tōna marae He waka ka ū ki uta He karere motuhake ...
117 Tautokona ake ahau, kia ora ai ahau, a ka whai whakaaro tonu ahau ki au tikanga. 118 Kua whakahaweatia e koe te hunga katoa e kotiti ke ana i au tikanga; he horihori hoki to ratou tinihanga. 119 Ka whakakahoretia e koe te hunga kino katoa o te whenua, ano he para...
Arthur Honeyfield joined the New Zealand branch of the United States/United Kingdom Joint Purchasing Board (JPB) established to share resources for the war effort. The man the JOB looked to in anticipation of making all this possible was Arthur Huia Honeyfield, and he did not disappoint it...
24He mea mo ta Hamana tama a Hamerata Akaki; ko te hoariri nei ia o nga Hurai katoa; whakaaroa ana e ia he he mo nga Hurai, kia huna ratou; a maka ana e ia he Puri, ara he rota mo ratou kia whakamotitia, kia huna; ...
在政府计划在其首个100天内废除毛利卫生管理机构Te Aka Whai Ora的行动中,毛利卫生倡导者正领导一项向Waitangi仲裁法庭提出的请愿。 政府计划在其首个100天内废除该机构。 Lady Tureiti Moxon 和毛利初级卫生组织的负责人 Janice Kuka 已于12月8日提出了有关政府计划的紧急听证的请求。
14 He whai i a wai i puta mai ai te kingi o Iharaira? ko wai tenei te arumia nei e koe? he kuri mate, he puruhi. 15 Ma Ihowa e whakarongo, e whakarite ta taua whakawa, mana e titiro mai, e tohe taku tohe, e whakaora hoki ahau i roto i tou ringa. 16 A, i ...
16 Ko te whiwhi ki te whakaaro nui, ano te pai! pai atu i te whiwhi ki te koura; ko te whiwhi hoki ki te matauranga te mea e hiahiatia nuitia atu i te hiriwa. 17 Ko te huanui o te hunga tika he mawehe atu i te kino: ko te tangata e whai whakaaro ana ki tona ar...
117 Tautokona ake ahau, kia ora ai ahau, a ka whai whakaaro tonu ahau ki au tikanga. 118 Kua whakahaweatia e koe te hunga katoa e kotiti ke ana i au tikanga; he horihori hoki to ratou tinihanga. 119 Ka whakakahoretia e koe te hunga kino katoa o te whenua, ano he para...