Tērā tētahi tupuna nō Te Hiku o Te Ika, ko Tōhē tōnā īngoa. He uri hoki ia nō Pōhurihanga rāua ko Maieke, he tūpuna nui ēnei i ngā rā o namata. Ko Pōhurihanga te rangatira nō runga i te waka o Kurahaupō. E ai ki tā nga wheinga, i ū ai a Kurahaupo...
Sauli Niinistö varoitti koronakriisissä ”tyhjästä nyhtäistävästä” rahasta – Esko Aho komppasi: Eurossa on valuvika” Kultaranta-keskustelujen yhtenä aiheena olivat koronakriisin talousvaikutukset … ”Keskustelua kommentoi myös tilaisuutta isännöivä tasavallan pre...
In honour of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, we want to celebrate the increasing number of books being published in te reo Māori. We asked Lucy Ira Bailey (Te Ati Awa, Ngāti Mutunga, Taranaki), the senior bookseller at The Children’s Bookshop in Wellington, to curate a list for us. Find...
policy initiatives have been dedicated to reorienting resources, service development, and delivery as well as workforce development, the aim being better health outcomes for the Māori
Citation: Gruntenko, N.E.; Karpova, E.K.; Babenko, V.N.; Vasiliev, G.V.; Andreenkova, O.V.; Bobrovskikh, M.A.; Menshanov, P.N.; Babenko, R.O.; Rauschenbach, I.Y. Fitness Analysis and Transcriptome Profiling Following Repeated Mild Heat Stress of Varying Frequency in ...