紫外线灵敏度:3 x 10-18watt/cm2 最小放电检测:1.5pC@8米 光谱范围紫外:240~280nm 视野:水平 x 垂直 5.5° × 4.0° 聚焦:UV 和可见光通道的自动和手动 对焦距离:2m~∞ ULIR_UVseeTD90_01探测器寿命:无退化 频率:50Hz irPOD 电晕相机-UV 相机 UVSee TD90 创新的电晕诊断装置作为 UV ...
产品名称: HP ProDesk 480 G4 MT BusinseePC 操作系统: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) HP ProDesk 480 G4 MT BusinseePC 想更换独显,可以更换哪种型号的显卡,请求各位大神给点意见。 电源180W 现在是集显关键字: HP ProDesk 480 G4 MT Busins...
哥们,这游戏的DMM 的PC端,有汉化补丁吗 送TA礼物 1楼2024-10-18 08:43回复 泽心 吧主 12 没补丁哦,毕竟就是个小游戏😭 来自Android客户端2楼2024-10-18 10:47 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示1回复贴,共...
Hello, i been searching on this but i decided to see if anyone has the same issues. This router is very good, and i can connect no problem to the 2.4 and 5ghz-1, when i first got it i was able to connect my nvidia shield and my pc to the 5ghz-2 and my galaxy note 10...
I recently built a new pc, with this mother board, an intel i5 14600kf and an Asus ROG strix rtx 3070ti. Everything went fine, windows installation all good, pc boots but it doesn't see the gpu then it loses signal. After that pc no longer boots into windows, just loses...
#2 & 3 - I have a Samsung USB 3.1 flash drive, as well as a Samsung T7 1TB SSD external drive that work perfectly well on other machines, but on this machine again they are seen under 'Other Devices' on Device Manager, the sound of the PC 'seeing' I...
Have you tried all open (front and back) USB ports on the new PC? It almost sounds like a file system incompatibility. Or your A-V program is blocking external devices. Have you checked to see if any of the connected drives are enumerated in "Disk Management"? I hav...
Oyunu neden ücretsiz değil? Oyun, uygulama içi satın alımlardan oluşuyor. Bu yaptığınızı kolaysa pc de yapsanıza :D. Hep amacınız mobil oyuncuları dolandımak. Shame on you man Developer Response, ...
hi , my Problem : I connect my Notebook via VPN IPsec to my Netgear srx5308 ! I use IKE + Policies ( no modeConfig ). The connecttion work fine but i