大多伦多地区共有10个教育局,分别管理不同的区域,Toronto District School Board (TDSB)教育局掌管多伦多最中心地带的600所高中。 以下为TDSB学区的管理范围地图,同学们可以在TDSB官网上找到此地图,以此来确认自己的学校是否在TDSB的管理范围内。(https:/...
https://www.tdsb.on.ca/Find- your/School 对于低龄留学生来说,家长们最关心的就是环境安全,加拿大社会治安非常好,暴力犯罪很少,而且加拿大的警方尤其重视青少年的人身安全保护。 加拿大的食品安全世界第一,把控严格,对青少年在成长过程中的营...
Using your TDSB Virtual Library : TDSB Policy: In line with the TDSB School Online Code ofConduct, these tools and links are to be used for curriculum-related school purposes only.TDSB Virtual Library - Elementary January 2015TDSB Virtual Library - guide Page 2Internet SearchFind or explore ...
Our school is a unique K to 6 school in that it offers a bilingual program in French and English. A strong emphasis is also placed on social justice and environmental education.Learn more about our school. This site is a work in progress run by parent volunteers and we appreciate your pat...