Challan Payment (Autofill) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Database Access Access RDBMS RDBMS RDBMS Corrections of all permissible types ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ TRACES & IT Portal Integration ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Online Filing (IT Portal) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Data Import / Recovery - through...
8月28日,两江铁人“铁外婆”谭德会顺利完赛UTMB系列赛之一TDS! TDS“Sur les Traces des Ducs de Savoie”(TDS)是UTMB系列赛事之一。意思是“沿着萨瓦公爵的足迹”,这项比赛的名称来源于历史上的萨瓦公国(Duchy of Savoy),其公爵曾经在这片地区...
Traces only for downloading form 16 or tds certificates and other supporting activities CA Puja Sharma (Chartered Accountant) (5010 Points) Replied 15 April 2022 You can add the challan of interest and penalty paid on the traces portal. ...
TDS是Sur les Traces des Ducs de Savoie的缩写,字面直译是沿着萨瓦公爵的足迹,实际上就是萨瓦超级穿越赛,TDS组的赛事按照UTMB的标准,147公里算是一个“中长距离”,不过却是以技术含量高闻名,在奥斯塔河谷和萨瓦省美丽的景色下,选手们需要接受极其苛刻的考验。比赛依然是从传统的库马约尔出发,最终是在霞慕尼冲线。
TDS has two forms:organicandinorganic. Understanding and calculating the total dissolved solids in your drinking water will define its quality. Total Dissolved Solids, or TDS, are inorganic compounds found in water, such as salts, heavy metals, and some traces of organic compounds diss...
not only allow you to file your TDS return conveniently but also is integrated with online services like TRACES and supports filing of tedious Correction Returns accurately. SureTDS is integrated with Online Service Utility, Correction Return Utility, Digital Signature Utility using PFX file and e...
TDS Traces. TRACES is a TDS Reconciliation Analysis and Correction Enabling System. It is an online portal of the Income Tax Department which helps in connecting all stakeholders involved in the implementation and administration of Tax Deducted at Source and Tax collected at Source. What is the TD...
TDS(Sur les Traces des Ducs de Savoie,中文一般翻译为“追寻萨伏伊公爵的足迹”) 北京时间8月27日,TDS组出发,这是全程148.4公里、累计爬升9306米的长距离项目,虽然它不在UTMB年度总决赛的组别之中,今年依然吸引了1874人参赛。比赛起点位于意大利库马约尔,终点法国霞慕尼。
It has a link to Traces website with user password to verify our records and file status. S Chittibabu (EDP Programmer) Kalakshetra I am using Saral TDS institutional for the past 5 years. This Software is very user friendly and effective in handling large records for regular and correction...
Integration with TRACES & IT Portal Filing of Returns – online ClientsSpeak TDSMAN is a well-build software, and very user-friendly. The customer service providers are very helpful in understanding and solving my issues. I will surely recommend TDSMAN to others. ...