TDS/TCS returns filed in electronic form as per section 200(3)/206C, as amended by Finance Act, 2005, are quarterly TDS/TCS statements. As per the Income Tax Act, these quarterly statements are required to be furnished from FY 2005-06 onwards. However, as advised by Income Tax Department...
S7.6 Bill-wise Accounts-Tracking Overdue Supplies Section-8: TallyPrime with Banking S8.1 Cheque Book Configuration in TallyPrime S8.2 Cheque Printing in TallyPrime S8.3 Enabling All-Banking Transaction Types S8.4 An Introduction to Post Dated Cheques Management S8.5 Post Dated Cheques Management ...
if rate of deduction is less than 20% remark value as 'C' PAN of the deductee is not available (i.e. 'PANNOTAVBL', 'PANAPPLIED' or 'PANINVALID'). Value under field no. 36 (i.e. Nature of remittances) is Interest payment, Royalty, Fees for technical services/ fees for included...