TDS / TCS - Rate Chart Easy & Seamless Usage Facility to auto update the Software Auto update of File Validation Utility Compliance Reminders & Alerts Software is provided with User Manual, Video Demo for easy understanding FREE TRIAL View Presentation ...
Sample Rate Up to 2 GS/s Technical Docs & Downloads FILTER BY All Datasheet (1) FAQ (24) Manuals (8) Support Materials (7) Software Downloads (13) TitleTypeNumberRelease Date TekScope PC Waveform Analysis Flyer TekScope software puts the analysis capabilities of Tektronix oscillosco...
done. Transactions: 30022 hits Availability: 100.00 % Elapsed time: 119.81 secs Data transferred: 0.00 MB Response time: 0.98 secs Transaction rate: 250.58 trans/sec Throughput: 0.00 MB/sec Concurrency: 495.73 Successful transactions: 30022 Failed transactions: 0 Longest transaction: 1.72 Shortest ...
Key features include: H Up to 1 GHz bandwidth and 10 GS/s real time sampling rate, depending on the model H Record lengths up to 16,000,000 samples, depending on option H Fast acquisition at up to 200,000 acquisitions per second for analog oscilloscope emulation and isolation of data-...
TDS rate will be @20% in all above cases if PAN has not been mentioned by payee. WHEN NO TAX IT TO BE DEDUCTED AT SOURCE; No tax is to be deducted where amount of such sum, or as the case may be, the aggregate of the amounts of such sums credited or paid or likely to be...
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capture rate to capture glitches and infrequent events three times faster than comparable oscilloscopes. Some oscillo- scope vendors claim high waveform capture rates for short bursts of time, but only DPOs can deliver these fast waveform capture rates on a continuous basis – saving minut...
SVM is used with the kernel, which helps to improve the accuracy of SVM and C, which regularizes the learning rate. KNN is the simplest model, employing a distance matrix to identify the nearest neighboring point. It is often referred to as a “lazy learner” because it matches training ...
Software subject to license ( Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( & One-time license fee for play on account’s des...