Section 206AB of the Income Tax Act er for nylig blevet introduceret vide the Finance Act, 2021. I henhold til afsnit 206AB i Act on any sum or income or the amount paid, or credited, by a person (herein referred to as dragee) to a "specified person", der ikke...
The Finance Act, 1982 has inserted a new section 197A with effect from June 1, 1982. The section enables an individual who is resident in India and whose estimated total income of the previous year is less than the minimum liable to income-tax to receive interest on securities, dividends a...
Please refer to the [signature section](/sdk/tds-gift/guide/#signature) in the documentation. ### Unity request for serverless exchange interface reports error HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity Please check if the event switch is turned on and if the gift code has expired in Developer Console...
Looking at the manufacturer’s sales page and frequently asked question section, I was unable to immediately locate the answer to this question. After doing some further searching on their website, I found a statement within a blog post that was published in February of 2016 that answers this ...