跟踪与数据传输卫星(Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS)是一系列通信卫星,由NASA和其他美国政府机构用于与独立的“用户平台”(例如卫星、气球、飞机、国际空间站和阿蒙森-斯科特南极站等偏远基地)通信。该系统旨在取代现有的全球地面站网络,适用于NASA所有载人飞行任务和低地球轨道上的无人航天器。TDRS卫星被设计...
TDRS 英文缩写TDRS 英文全称Tracking & Data Relay Satellite 中文解释跟踪与数据中继卫星 缩写简介 美国电视中继通信卫星
Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System TV NORAD ID: 19883 Int'l Code: 1989-021B Perigee: 36,227.5 km Apogee: 36,377.6 km Inclination: 12.9 ° Period: 1,462.2 minutes Semi major axis: 42673 km RCS: 20.9264 m2 (large) Launch date: March 13, 1989 Source...
Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System TV NORAD ID: 21639 Int'l Code: 1991-054B Perigee: 35,867.3 km Apogee: 35,901.2 km Inclination: 14.1 ° Period: 1,440.7 minutes Semi major axis: 42255 km RCS: 20.8608 m2 (large) Launch date: August 2, 1991 Source...
See photos of NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite L (TDRS-L) ahead of its planned Jan. 23, 2014 launch.
Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System TV NORAD ID: 27566 Int'l Code: 2002-055A Perigee: 35,653.3 km Apogee: 35,701.9 km Inclination: 10.3 ° Period: 1,430.2 minutes Semi major axis: 42048 km RCS: 5.0118 m2 (large) Launch date: December 5, 2002 Source...
英文全称 Tracking & Data Relay Satellite 中文解释 跟踪与数据中继卫星 缩写分类 航空航天, 今日推荐缩写 JSME 日本机械工程师学会 KA 千安培 KAPWR 保持电源(送正电) KARMAN 卡门式空气流量计 VAFM 卡门式空气流量计 LB 轻型托架 LCV 负载控制阀 LFP 低压油泵 LH 液态氢 LHC 液态氢容器 LHD 装载,拖运,倾卸...
The article reports on the successful launch of the U.S. National Aeronautics & Space Administration's (NASA) Tracking & Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)-L, into orbit aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.EBSCO_AspMicrowaves & Rf...
Technical details about the TDRS 9 (2002-011A or NORAD 27389) satellite. TDRS 9 can be selected for live tracking or to see the passes visible from your location, if applicable