投诉商家报价问题:010-82755684小秘密:若和商家提及自己是PjTime用户,将有更多优惠! 共5家经销商对联想 TDM600 投影机进行报价 ¥9999北京育林佳业13810025300 李经理详情>> ¥15800富旗科技010-51660399,51660244 刘铭详情>> ¥15900金炎腾达010-82488018 82486942 薛凤金详情>> ...
产品简介:联想TDM600采用黑色铝镁合金材质,整个机器仅重1.1公斤,超小的身形几乎可以做到随心所欲移动,既方便实用又显高贵典雅。该机采用DLP技术,亮度2200流明,标准分辨率为1024×768,兼容目前大多数笔记本电脑,1.1公斤重量,可以非常轻松的放进投影包里,与笔记本一同携带外出演示。 联想TDM600应该有的功能都具备,且拥有...
TDM_1. TDM_1. 翻译 收藏 下载文档 更新时间:2024-10-31 文档编号:EDOC1100112405 浏览量:191706 下载量:659 平均得分:5.0 分 相关文档
TDM_1. TDM_1. TDM_1. TDM_1. TDM_1.
A speech transmission method utilizes a speech frame length having a time period within which a speech waveform remains substantially steady- state, and the speech frame length is selected to be 1/M the time period of one TDM or TDMA frame. For each speech frame, speech signal is coded, fr...
(1) When receiving, directly assemble it into the TDM format buffer to be sent, and then send it. However, since it is assembled into TDM, one I2S needs to receive 8 byte per frame, and then do the offset to receive the next one. If the reception is carr...
●For Yamaha Seca II 600 XJ600S 1992-1998●For Yamaha TDM850 1982-1983 Notice ● We usually ship the goods within one working day, the longest is not more than three working days, and the holiday will be delayed.● When purchasing, the logistics plan and the estimated longest delivery ...