An internationally compatible medical thesaurus in German, the TdM, is presented. The principle of its structure is based on a documentation language including a complete hierarchic classification as well as a very variable faceted one. The structure items of the thesaurus are marked by abbreviations...
Thus, this glossary presents them in a logical, rather than alphabetical, order Acronym Meaning Definition POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) POTS is a retronym coined after the developed of more advanced digital phone systems to refer to the traditional analog telephone and service. POTS was the...
2001年,我国某留学生张某在荷兰留学期间,与一当地荷兰人瓦格宁发生冲突,后来张某在一酒吧喝酒,恰逢瓦格宁与其朋友也在喝酒。瓦格宁一伙趁酒兴将张某打成重伤后逃走, 2002年瓦格宁来到中国旅游,下面说法正确的是
Simply put, TDE protects data at rest, meaning the data and log files. This enables software developers to encrypt data by using AES and 3DES encryption algorithms, without changing existing applications. Encryption and decryption operations are handled by the database engine in the background. ...
Co cultivation Area, Yixing Interactive Learning Area, and Yishe Villa Living Area, it provides residents with a rich and colorful life experience. Here, you can pursue the true meaning of life with like-minded people, achieve both internal and external cultivation, and enhance personal ...