Vaccination with tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) is recommended for adults who have close contact with infants aged MethodsParents of all newborns were consecutively approached for participation by a study coordinator who provided written information about the ...
We first reported this problem in 2006 (Institute for Safe Medication Practices. Adacel [Tdap] and Daptacel [DTaP] confusion.ISMP Medication Safety Alert!August 24, 2006). Part of the problem is that the official names of the products are very similar although stated in different order on the...
Diphtheriaisaseriousdiseaseofthenose,throatandskin.Itcausessorethroat,feverandchills.Itcanbe complicatedbybreathingproblems,heartfailureandnervedamage.Diphtheriakillsaboutoneoutofevery 10peoplewhogetthedisease.Itismostoftenpassedontoothersthroughcoughingandsneezing.Asaresult ofhighvaccinationrates,therehavebeennocases...