Vaccinations usually only protect for a certain period, which varies among different vaccines. Experts recommend that everyone gets a booster shot for tetanus and Diphtheria every 10 years. There is a booster vaccine that contains just tetanus and Diphtheria (calledTd) but since immunity also wears...
Fever over 102°F (38.9°C) (rare) Extensive swelling of the arm where the shot was given (up to about 3 in 100). Severe Problems(Unable to perform usual activities; required medical attention): Swelling, severe pain, bleeding and redness in the arm where the shot was given (rare)...
1 Tetanus,Diphtheria,Pertussisand Polio(Tdap-IPV)Vaccine Thisfactsheetprovidesbasicinformation.Itisnotintendedtoprovidemedicaladvice.Itmustnottaketheplaceofmedical advice,diagnosisortreatment.Alwaystalktoahealthcareprofessionalaboutanyhealthconcernsyouhave,andbeforeyou makeanychangestoyourdiet,lifestyleortreatment. Im...