Add the date and time when a record was added 07-02-2021 12:30 AM Hi, I want to add a date and time when a new record is added to Power BI. My source is from Excel, and I don't have that column in my data source. Labels: Data Protection General Comment Inte...
I have a drill down in dashboard studio panel that returns the start time of some events ($startTime$). I want to use the token as the earliest, and at the same time, I want to use $dd_span$+$startTime$ ($dd_span$ is created from a pulldown menu, it has opti...
I checked and they don't add up alert(mainVideoLayer.startTime + fadeIn) - gives me a startTime, and not startTime+fadeIn but alert(mainVideoLayer.startTime + 2) - gives me correct answer TOPICS Error or problem,How to,Scripting ...
As another column I would like to have the time of my request (last week, last 24 hours), depending on what I selected. And that in readable time.Now I found the following command to show me the time.| addinfo| convert ctime(*)| eval reportDate=info_min_time." to ".info_max_ti...
Allow option to add multiple teams to Lead Time and Cycle Time widget Is there a way in the report widgets for lead time and cycle time to have more than one team? This is available in the Burnup and Burndown reports.
I backup files as below, fackup -f /backup/ -0vi /u01 Can I add time to the file I hope the output file has the format like
Rust crate to produce and consume Web Of Things Thing Descriptions - fix: Add default-features = false to time · wot-rust/wot-td@d896831
How to add a system time to the document? I tried to modify this script, but probably wrong with the command... var f = this.getField("Today"); f.value = util.printd("mmm/dd/yyyy", new Date()); TOPICS Acrobat SDK and JavaScript , Windows ...
Therefore, I would like to implement a Time Digital Converter (TDC) to add a delay and be able to shift the signal by 250 ps and/or 500 ps and/or 1 ns. Actually, the precision of the timing doesn't matter much. What I want to understand is the methodology, ho...
To add a timeout to the LPCOpen I2C stack, I suggest the following changes to i2c_17xx_40xx.c: +volatile uint32_t i2c_busy_timeouts = 0; +const uint32_t i2c_busy_limit = 9999; // adapt value to hardware setup and I2C clock rate void Chip_I2...