TP-Link TD-W8960N 设置指南说明书 TP-Link TD-W8960N ∙Establish a connection between the device and the router via network cable or Wi-Fi , If Wi-Fi is protected by a password look at sticker on bottom side ∙Open your web browser and type the default IP Address in...
TP-LINK’s TD-W8960N 300Mbps Wireless N ADSL2+ Modem Router is an incredibly robust all-in-one device that provides a full rate of ADSL2+ standard with the superb reliability and a cost-effective solution for home and small business. With the TD-W8960N, you can easily create a secur...
只要[Save]即可,現在您不需要重新啟動。 步驟3在左側功能表按一下[Wireless]->[Wireless Settings],按一下[Search]以選取 TD-W8960N 的無線網路,然後將[channel]和[security]設定成和 TD-W8960N 的設定相同。在範例中,頻道為 1 ,安全性是 WEP Open , 128bit 。等到下一個步驟再重新啟動。 步驟4在左側...
TD-W8960N V4用户手册评分: TP-Link 300M 宽带路由器TD-W8960N V4用户手册英文版 TD-W8960N V42015-03-10 上传大小:3.00MB 所需:9积分/C币 tp-842nv4编程器固件 编程器读出的v4.3 上传者:qq_29085783时间:2016-09-25 wr740v4 ubnt编程器固件 ...
Step 3GotoQuality of Service, please checkEnable QoS Step4GotoQueue Config, then clickaddbutton to add a queue. Set following parameters as below: Aftersave, we will get the rule as below: Step 5GotoQoS Classification, then clickaddbutton to add aClassification. ...
How to turn TD-W8968V3V4, TD-W8950N,TD-W8950NDV2,TD-W8960N V4-V6 into an NBN-ready wireless router Note:To make a modem work as a wireless router, you should first connect a modem to LAN4/WAN port. Preparation: test your NBN connection type by connecting your computer to your ...
Part 1:configure the TD-W8960N Step 1Log into TD-W8960N’s management page. If you are not sure about how to do this, please clickhere. Step 2On the left-side menu, clickWireless -> Advanced, and please change the channel of the wireless network. RememberApply/Savethe settings. ...
Note: Before doing all these settings, please hard reset the device to factory first. If you don’t know how to make it, you can clickhereto see the guide. Please check your hardware version. TD-W8960N v4 doesn't support TM UniFi.FAQ_46 ...
This article illustrates a configuration instance for building an IPSec VPN tunnel between two units of TD-W8960N/TD-W8950ND/TD-W8968(V3). If you have only one unit and you want to setup a client to site VPN connection. This FAQ is not available for you and the TD-W8950ND/TD-W...
How can the computers connected to TD-W8960N access Local Network? In order to make computers access Local Network, we need to set a static routing on the TD-W8960N and the packets requiring for Local Network access will be forwarded to Router 2. The settings on TD-W8960N are as the...