RadioPacketPhysicalUplinkSharedQuadratureAmplitudeQualityofQuadraturePhaseShiftRA-RandomAccess-RoundRadioResourceRadioResourceRadioTransmissionSystemArchitectureSignaltoInterference比Systeminformation-系统广播Semipersistentscheduled-ConnectionRadio半静态调度使用的SAETemporarySubscriberTrackingAreaTransportcontrolT-TransmissionTemporary... U E 传输模式- 规定 • 配置 :RRC:: radioResourceConfigDcdicated--PhysicalConflgDedicated-- AntennaInfbDedicated—transmissionMode 36213Table 7.1-5: PDCCH and PDSCH configured by C-RNTI Transmission DCI format Search Space Transmission scheme of PDSCH mode corresponding to PDCCH Mode 1 DCI...
RadioU nitCascadi ng 激活或关闭合RRU级联的license feature TRUE/FALSE FALSE NA 立即 4.2 4.3 建议在室内覆盖和隧道覆盖等存在多个单双通道RRU覆盖的连片区域开启该功能(主要场景为室 RRU距离BBU较远。使用RRU级联可以方便工程施工,节约光纤资源,同时还能减少干扰和 内),且各 切换。 小区合并 功能描述 用于室内...
6、nel Processing Board信道处理板RRURemote Radio Unit射频拉远单元OMOperation and Maintenance操作维护接口概述接口说明本文档定义了OM与其他软件模块之间的自定义接口,包括:MCB RRM与OM之间的接口;UP与OM之间的接口;BB与OM之间的消息接口;OM软件向其他模块提供的接口。消息格式说明消息接口采用统一的消息封装格式,消息...
42、ion Radio Resource ManagementMeasurement Configuration IntraFreq Measurement for Handover Maximum Cell Number rep orted参数功能描述该参数指示了测量上报的最大小区数目参数调整影响切换优化常见问题及案例4.1漏配邻区漏配邻区一般可通过无线参数表结合测试数据检查,或者可以在后台直接通过信 令跟踪确认收到测量报告...
1. Introduction Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a radio platform that allows mobile operators to achieve much higher peak data rates and better spectral efficiency than those of the third generation (3G) networks (e.g., WCDMA and cdma2000) [1]. LTE was initiated by the Third Generation Partne...
32、he feature is disabled.The parameter is vendor-specific.nSrsDtx0Number of consecutive SRS DTX detections required for RL Failure The parameter defines number of consecutive SRS DTX detections causing radio link failure indication. Special value 0 means that the feature is disabled.rlpDetMaxNUl0...
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RadioUnitCascading 级联的 license TRUE/FALSE FALSE NA 立即 feature 4.3 使用建议及配置说明 建议在室内覆盖和隧道覆盖等存在多个单双通道 RRU 覆盖的连片区域开启该功能(主要场景为室 内),且各 RRU 距离 BBU 较远。使用 RRU 级联可以方便工程施工,节约光纤资源,同时还能减少干扰和 切换。 5 小区合并 5.1 功能...
1. Introduction Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a radio platform that allows mobile operators to achieve much higher peak data rates and better spectral efficiency than those of the third generation (3G) networks (e.g., WCDMA and cdma2000) [1]. LTE was initiated by the Third Generation Partne...