TD(Temporal Difference),中文翻译为时间差分。TD-Lambda,对 TD Learning 的一种推广,在学习时引入...
\(TD(\lambda)\)是统一蒙特卡洛算法(MC)和时序差分算法(TD)的第二种形式。第一种形式也就是 \(TD(n)\) 算法。具体来说, \(TD(n)\) 的公式可以写为: \[\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} G_{t:t+1} &= R_{t+
GAE是一种新的优势估计方法,它通过对多步优势估计值进行加权平均,得到一种偏差和方差的折衷。而TD(lambda)则是通过设定一个折扣因子lambda,来决定当前回报与未来回报的权重,基于时间差分的思想计算状态价值。 2.偏差和方差不同 GAE通过加权平均多步优势估计值,可以有效地控制偏差和方差,实现二者的平衡。而...
的后向视角解释:有个人坐在状态流上,手里拿着话筒,面朝着已经经历过的状态获得当前回报并利用下一个状态的值函数得到TD偏差之后,此人会向已经经历过的状态喊话告诉这些已经经历过的状态处的值函数需要利用当前时刻的TD偏差进行更新。此时过往的每个状态值函数更新的大小应该跟距离当前状态的步数有关。 假设当前状态为...
为了进一步的理解\operatorname{TD}(\lambda)的后向视角, 我们可以看看改变 \lambda 的值会发生什么?如果 \lambda = 0 ,也就说资格迹不再保存之前的信息,而是全部遗忘了。此时(12.5)中的信息就只包含当前的梯度信息。因此(12.7)的更新也就退化成了单步的半梯度TD更新,这也是为什么这个算法叫TD(0) (说到这里,...
TD_INLINE_MATH_1 is a generalisation of TD_INLINE_MATH_2 reinforcement learning algorithms, but it employs an eligibility trace $\lambda$ and $\lambda$-weighted returns. The eligibility trace vector is initialized to zero at the beginning of the episode,
TD( > 0) has been found to usually yield noticeably faster learning than TD(0), but its standard eligibility traces implementation is associated with some well known deficiencies, in particular significantly increased computation expense. This article investigates theoretically two possible ways of ...
TD(lambda) is a core algorithm of modern reinforcement learning. Its appeal comes from its equivalence to a clear and conceptually simple forward view, and the fact that it can be implemented online in an inexpensive manner. However, the equivalence between TD(lambda) and the forward view is ...
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