加拿大大型银行多伦多道明银行Toronto-Dominion Bank($道明银行(TD)$)的股价2024年下跌约8%至79加元以下,分别低于1月的86加元以及2022年初的108加元,但稍高于12个月低点的大约76加元。2023年四季度,加拿大银行股曾有过一波上涨行情,对于当时踏空的投资者来说,现在是不是买跌的好时机? 但从股价上来分析,多伦多道明...
THIS inquiring mind, really wants to know! OK, I don’t have much on account with them. Is that a reason for TD Waterhouse to (in my opinion) STEAL from their customers? Because, when the company swears in its advertising: “NO HIDDEN FEES” – there should be just that – no hidd...