TD Ameritrade R API 接口文档说明书
且限价单可以设置为“取消前一直有效”,即GOOD_TILL_CANCEL,简称为GTC,市价单则不能。 正股的限价单,可以设置为盘前盘后交易,其他则不能。德美利的盘前交易时段略短,为美东时间7:00-9:30。(小常识:美股正常交易时段为:美东时间的9:30-16:00,盘前交易时段为4:00-9:30,盘后交易时段为16:00-20:00,如下...
# 建立TD Ameritrade API 物件,並進行登入驗證TD=TDAmeritrade(username=username,password=password,account=account,apikey=apikey) 資料取得 歷史K線資料 即時一分K線 即時Level I 報價 # 取得AAPL日內即時1分K線 -> pd.DataFrameintraday_price_history=TD.get_intraday_history('AAPL')# 取得AAPL Level I 即時...
A TD Ameritrade API client for Python. Includes historical data for equities and ETFs, options chains, streaming order book data, complex order construction, and more. financetradingpython3financial-dataautomated-tradingtdameritrade UpdatedJun 16, 2024 ...
TD Ameritrade API 是一个允许开发者访问TD Ameritrade交易平台数据的接口。通过这个API,开发者可以获取市场数据、账户信息、交易执行等功能。获取位置信息通常指的是获取特定金融产品的实时或历史价格数据。 基础概念 API(应用程序编程接口):一组定义和协议,用于构建和集成应用程序软件。 市场数据:包括股票、期权、期货等...
import requests import json # 替换为你的API密钥和应用ID api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY' app_id = 'YOUR_APP_ID' # TD Ameritrade API基础URL base_url = '' # 要查询的股票代码 symbols = ['AAPL', 'GOOGL'] # 构建请求URL params = { 'apikey...
TDAmeritradeAPI TDAmeritrade client library for .NET developers. This is an improved version of the original Library with full streaming support and automatic access and refresh token update. To achieve the automatic access and refresh token update it is needed to generate the initial tokens file.... Follow 4.5 (4) 98 Downloads Updated22 Mar 2021 View License on GitHub Share Open in MATLAB Online Download Unofficial API for TD Ameritrade Cite As Srinivas Gorur Shandilya (2025).tdameritrade-matlab-api(
Trading with TD Ameritrade on Windows: Get a refresh token Trading with TD Ameritrade: Get a refresh token without any coding Trading with TD Ameritrade using Python: Create an API key Rent a Code...
api: const{init}=require('td-ameritrade-auth');init(<your-td-app-key>) .then(() =>console.log('done!')).catch((err)=>console.log(err)); Either way, text will output guiding you through the rest of the process. copy the callback url link generated on app boot ...