TCX新款骑行靴 RT-RACE竞技靴。使用了tcx独家研发的D.F.C系统 D.F.C系统是TCX研发部开发的最终创新。在灵活性和保护之间提供极好的平衡。该结构由一种特殊的聚氨酯化合物制成,提供足部和腿部自然向前和后屈曲,防止脚踝关节扭曲。该系统的特点是连接到引导上的 PU框架,两个侧向隐藏轴放置在脚踝两侧,在马利洛斯水...
The RT Race, like most race-focused boots, is built in microfiber synthetic leather and it features a funky exterior design that reminds one of the Alpinestars SMX-Plus and Supertech R boots. There are a number of loud colour schemes available internationally, but India gets the slightly more...