Unfortunately, even if South Africa achieves its NDP target of reducing the Gini coefficient down to 0,6 by 2030, South Africa would remain one of the most unequal countries in the world. 2.2.3 NDP target: The share of income going to the bottom 40% of income earners should rise from ...
- Share information about markets and strengthen vulnerability to economic stresses, particularly to commodity price volatility. YOUTH - Youth make up 20% of the total population of Africa. - 70% of Africa's youth live in rural areas. - Youth inactivity rates in North Africa and sub-Saharan ...
If topping-up assistance is granted, the PV of debt- to-exports ratio at end-2010 would drop to 88.4 percent after the delivery of MDRI assistance and further decline to 69.1 percent by 2030. Similarly, the PV of debt-to-GDP and PV of debt-to-revenue ratios would decline, from 22.6 ...