The structure is one of the user-defined data types used in the C language. It combines one or more data types together and makes it a single data type. We use the struct keyword to create structures. We can the data type created withStructures in Cfor defining pointers. This data type...
Associate (在职员工) - Calcutta, IN - 2022年5月23日 This Company is good for job security only. But worst management. Very low salary hike persentage. Very bad for career growth. Salary structure need to be change. Employee Satisfaction is very bad. Compensation and benefit not ...
Work life balance is good. Salary structure is poor. They need to work on the salary structure to adjust the inflation rate. Good number of projects in the North America 1.0 Block skilled employees Associate band 1(离职员工)-Mumbai, Maharashtra-2024年4月22日 ...
I am Lala Du, Sales Administrative Assistant in Shanghai office.It is a shame that (很遗憾)I have not got a chanceto contact you even though we are in the same field within DB.But I have heard a lot about you, andespecially about your outstanding achievementon the renovation project in...
Second question is about your salary hike and what would be our thought process on salary hike? Whether because of six months, it would be adjusted for it or you would consider it as — because last we have delayed it — salary hike last year, now it would be normal kind of impact?
19 GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE...21 Sexual Exploitation in West Africa...22 TRAFFICKING AND EXPLOITATION...