那天晚些时候,我们中的一些人收到了第二轮笔试 TCS National Qualifier Test-2 的邮件,该测试是针对数字简介的。它定于8月11日。 笔试2: 模式与 NQT 相同,但问题水平很高。测试包含高级问题,问题很长。 8月 15 日,所有通过 NQT 的学生都收到了关于面试过程的邮件,面试过程安排在 8 月 22 日。然后在 8...
TCS 面试体验——通过 NQT 进行校外驾驶 最近在面试 TCS 时,了解到了他们的校外驾驶计划。在 NQT(National Qualifier Test,全国资格认证考试)通过之后,可以参加 TCS 的校外驾驶计划。以下是我的面试体验以及对该计划的介绍。 面试体验 我的面试分为两轮,第一轮是在线编程考试,第二轮是面对面的技术面试。在线编程...
TCS NQT Blood Relations Quiz – 1 Question 1 Time: 00:00:00 A person who is the husband of my son's sister is my Nephew Son-in-law Son Brother Formulas Tricks and Tips Report the answer SkipShow Explanation Start Question 2 Time: 00:00:00 Y is the daughter of X's brother's ...
TCS NQT Course ₹199 Online training to help students crack TCS NQT (Ninja National Qualifier Test) - Ninja and Digital. This course extensively covers all the concepts required for TCS Exam with 300 practice questions and 50+ Tests. Know more Frequently...
TCS NQT - 忍者面试体验 TCS NQT (National Qualifier Test)是印度Tata Consultancy Services(TCS)所举办的一场全国性的招聘考试。该考试是面向在校大学生的,目的是招聘他们作为TCS的全职员工。在TCS NQT考试中,除了传统的笔试之外,还有一个独特的环节——忍者面试。在这篇文章中,我们将介绍TCS NQT考试中的忍者...
This round is divided into 3 sections. The difficulty level of this round is Moderate Aptitude Logical Verbal TCS NQT Round 1 Round 1Important Information Total no. of question 65 MCQ and Non- MCQ Allotted Time 75 mins Section 3 sections and all sections are mandatory Part B- Advanced Cou...
TCS NQT 面试经历 | 2020年出货批次 简介 Tata Consultancy Services(TCS)是世界上最大的IT服务提供商之一,总部位于印度孟买。TCS NQT(National Qualifier Test)是TCS招聘的初级岗位面试,旨在寻找最优秀的技术人才。 面试流程 TCS NQT的面试流程一般包括以下几个环节: 笔试:包含数学、英语、编程等多个模块,用以...
25 June 2022, NEW DELHI, TCS 2022 NQT, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is hiring IT (Information Technology) and engineering freshers across India through the TCS National Qualifier Test (TCS NQT) …Read more TCS Atlas Hiring: Apply for Campus Recruitment Now, Last Date Tomorrow ...
This is the TCS NQT examination. There are two sections in this exam. One section will test your verbal, numerical, and reasoning skills. Another section will evaluate your technical knowledge and coding abilities. This test will last for three hours. ...
TCS has come up with national level recruitment level, TCS NQT (National qualifier test or Ninja). TCS will conduct its NQT throughout to select best of fresh college graduates, and hire them into different TCS verticals. TCS is the largest IT Services Company in India, and TCS NQT Ninja...