Customer data is the essen�al fuel of modern businesses; the best ones collect more data, analyze it be�er, and are quicker and be�er at ac�ng on it. #1 in the areas where senior leaders say their companies need to more effec�vely use data Ranking: All Respondents 1...
8 MAURITIUS © MO IBRAHIM FOUNDATION CONFLICTING DeMANDS Ibrahim Forum 2011 | African Agriculture BIOFUeLS - The global biofuel sector has grown considerably since 2000, driven primarily by concerns about fossil fuel prices and availability, a renewed quest by many countries for energy independence ...
The LRA has been receiving weapons, ammunition, fuel, communications equipment and training from the Khartoum government since 1994, when the Bigombe peace talks failed. Such assistance, provided from Khartoum mainly through its southern militia, the Equatorial Defence Force (EDF), is a source of ...