Convergence efforts are being focused on combining HPC and ‘big data’ analytics workloads together using a unified HPC system,” said Lisa Davis, Vice President in the Intel Datacenter Group and GM of the Digital Transformation & Scale Solutions Group. “This engagement enables the capability to ...
Taking advantage of modern graphic libraries, tcsBU also improves the speed at which the final network layout is reached. Networks can be saved as a Scalable Vector Graphics format. tcsBU is available on-line at The source code is freely available from ...
A project assistant was employed to level all the books in the reading libraries to ensure a comprehensive system whereby students could select books according to their personal level. In order to promote a good reading habit, parents’ workshops were held to educate parents on methods of ...
Regardless of these improvements, it is undeniable that South Africa still faces the serious challenges of high unemployment, poor quality of education (especially for black learners), inadequate and poor location of infrastructure, and a public health system that cannot meet demand or sustain quality...
If this improved access is linked to nutrition-sensitive approaches—ie, women's empowerment, agriculture, food systems, education, employment, social protection, and safety nets—they can greatly accelerate progress in countries with the highest burden of maternal and child undernutrition and mortality...