Our carefully curated questions and answers will help you successfully complete the TCS interview. TCS Recruitment Process: Online Aptitude Test: Candidates undergo an online test assessing quantitative, logical, and verbal abilities. Technical Interview: Successful candidates from the aptitude test face a...
As you know, the TCS NQT written test includes aptitude and technical questions. So, you must practice a lot of aptitude questions. You should also improve your verbal and essay writing skills. All these practices will help you do well on the written exam. The most important thing is to ...
4. 敏捷 本部分将包含两个需要在 25 分钟内解决的问题。 在模拟链接中,第一个问题是一个简单的基于 API 的Java程序,需要在给定的编辑器中解决。在这种情况下,您需要阅读问题以了解所要求的内容,并使用他们为您提供的工具实施程序。 然而,在实际测试中,这个问题被他们创建的一种新语言所取代,该语言处理数学结构...