`tcpip_adapter_start_api` 函数是一个用于启动 TCP/IP 适配器的 API 函数。它通常用于初始化和管理...
tcpip_adapter: Fix bug which prevents setting a static IP address for… 58ba8a2 igrradded a commit that referenced this pull requestSep 8, 2017 Merge branch 'bugfix/tcpip_adapter_ethernet' into 'master' 310269b projectgusclosed thisSep 20, 2017 ...
如果找到目标适配器,则可以继续下一步的处理。 3. 设置适配器的IP_ADAPTER_NETBIOS_OVER_TCPIP_ENABLED属性 在找到目标适配器后,我们需要设置适配器的IP_ADAPTER_NETBIOS_OVER_TCPIP_ENABLED属性为所需的值。这可以通过修改适配器的AdapterInfo结构体中的AdapterInfo->EnableNetbios字段来实现。以下是示例代码: #in...
Re: tcpip_adapter_set_hostname() not working Postbyboarchuz»Wed Nov 04, 2020 1:13 am esp_netif_get_hostname will modify p; it doesn't point to 'hostname' any more. Try: Code:Select all ESP_LOGI(TAG,"setHostname(): get_hostname returned \"%s\".", p); ...
Anyway, tracking the source code hit a wall at some IPC calls. I'm willing to vary the string length to see what will break the call but that's not the best practice.zliudr Posts: 360 Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:15 am Re: tcpip_adapter_set_hostname() max host name length?by...
Re: tcpip_adapter_set_hostname() not working by boarchuz » Wed Nov 04, 2020 1:13 am esp_netif_get_hostname will modify p; it doesn't point to 'hostname' any more. Try: Code: Select all ESP_LOGI(TAG, "setHostname(): get_hostname returned \"%s\".", p);m...
Method Summary Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait Field Detail version public static final java.lang.Stringversion Constructor Detail publicEndMarkedMsg(AbstractMsgbody,AbstractMsgsuffix) ...
EnvelopedMsgThis class represents an abstract envelope message. FixedLengthMsgThis class represents a "Fixed Length" message. LengthPrefixedMsgThis class represents a "Length Prefixed" message. MarkedAndFixedMsgThis class represents a "Marked And Fixed" message. ...
uint32 SetTcpipNetbios( [in] uint32 TcpipNetbiosOptions ); 参数TcpipNetbiosOptions [in] 指定通过 TCP/IP 与 NetBIOS 相关的可能设置的值。 EnableNetbiosViaDhcp (0) 通过DHCP 启用 Netbios EnableNetbios (1) 启用Netbios DisableNetbios (2) 禁用Netbios 返回...
TCP/IPverwendet die folgenden Netzadapterkarten und -verbindungen: Standard-Ethernet-Version 2 IEEE 802.3 Token-Ring Asynchrone Adapter und systemeigene serielle Anschlüsse Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Serial Optical Channel Converter (beschrieben inKernel Extensions and Device Support Programmin...