net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps RFC 1323 在 TCP Reliability一节里,引入了timestamp的TCP option,两个4字节的时间戳字段,其中第一个4字节字段用来保存发送该数据包的时间,第二个4字节字段用来保存最近一次接收对方发送到数据的时间。有了这两个时间字段,也就有了后续优化的余地。 tcp_tw_reuse 和 tcp_tw_recycle就...
例子 use std::net::TcpStream; let stream = TcpStream::connect("") .expect("Couldn't connect to the server..."); stream.set_write_timeout(None).expect("set_write_timeout call failed"); assert_eq!(stream.write_timeout().unwrap(), None);相关...是连接到数据库超时,属于jdbc跟数据库连接这一块的,超时后可以选择重新连接。MySQLTimeoutException是jdbc等待sql执行返回的时候超时,属于jdbc对于执行sql的一个超时处理,超时后不再等待sql的返回,但是数据库端该sql还是在执行的 ...
When using async/await you have the ability to kill any operation whatsoever, which is whattokio::time::timeoutallows you to do. Of course, it can also wrap any other asynchronous operation, and will work on those other operations just as fine as it does for TCP streams....
We are using a 4 core server as a single instance with 32gb memory on Microsoft Azure, attempting to save 10,000 objects all at average size of ~10mb, when the server has 10,000 objects in it, the write times to save an object of 10mb ju... ...
handle me:write tcp io timeout #3990 Closed Member jennijuju commented Sep 24, 2020 Do you know what commit fixed it @jennijuju ? I'm just curious :D It's still a WIP, but you can take a sneak peak haha -> filecoin-project/go-jsonrpc#27 Contributor Author RobQuistNL commented...