shutdown 函数,可以指定 socket 只关闭发送方向而不关闭读取方向,也就是 socket 不再有发送数据的能力...
intclose(intfd) 调用close后,这个套接字描述符将不再指向任何文件继而可以被重复使用。同时调用close后,tcp连接断开,client端和server段都不能再发送/接受数据...
总结:设置SO_LINGER套接字选项以后,close的成功返回仅仅是告诉我们先前发送的数据的FIN已经由对端TCP确认,而不能告诉我们对端应用进程是否已经读取数据,假设不设置该套接字选项,那么我们连对端TCP是否确认了数据都不知道。 解决方法: 1.使用shutdown(设置SHUT_WR)+read 说明:调用写关闭的shutdown以后发送FIN分节,然...
3、(不推崇,但目前我们是这样做的,这个是造成(“connet reset by peer”)的元凶)设置SO_LINGER的值,java中是调用socket的 setSoLinger目前我们是设置为0的。设置为这个值的意思是当主动关闭方设置了setSoLinger(true,0)时,并调用close后,立该发送一个RST标志给对端,该TCP连接将立刻夭折,无论是否有排队数据未发送...
shutdown与close intclose(intsockfd) close函数会对套接字引用计数(引用了这个套接字描述符的进程数)减一,一旦发现套接字引用计数到0,就会对套接字进行彻底释放,并且会关闭TCP两个方向的数据流并回收连接和相关资源,是所谓的粗暴式关闭: 在read方向,内核会将该套接字设置为不可读,对套接字的read都会返回异常 ...
这就带来了问题,如果按照上述第一种在 client 关闭发送方向的做法,连接进入 FIN_WAIT_2 状态,在 tcp_fin_timeout 之后连接将不可用(进入 TIME_WAIT),这可能并不符合 shutdown(WR) 调用者的意图。 换句话说 CLOSE_WAIT 明确在说 “我已经收到了对端的 FIN,正等着应用程序调用 shutdown + close 结束连接”...
5 Any cases Where close() is preferred to shutdown()? 4 Proper way to shutdown() a socket on Linux, differences between Linux and Windows? 3 The effect close/shutdown has on the TCP receive buffer 2 Difference between Socket::close() and StreamSocket::shutdown() 8 Active close ...
Qix- pushed a commit to Qix-/nanomsg that referenced this issue Mar 31, 2016 fixes nanomsg#463 tcp shutdown and close unstable … Unverified a7bf222 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Assignees...
For this to work,Connectionmust have either a finalizer or a close method. This "requirement" would also allowConnectionPoolto be able to shrink, which at the moment, it can't. Unfortunately finalizers are not allowed to even touch GC allocated memory at all, according to the language spec...