这个时间段根据TDP连接工作模块不同有所差异,在NAT UDP PUNCH模式下,这个时间段默认值为1分钟(大多数的NAT中,UDP会话超时时间为2-5分钟左右);而在常规模块下这个时间段默认值为5分钟。默认值可以由用户程序设置,用户程序需要指明两种模块下的保活时间周期。这里TDP的保活机制与TCP中的保活机制完全不一样,TCP的保活...
TCP报文段在连接建立时需要通报MSS,在TDP的实现中也进行通报,默认通报为1460字节(符合以太网标准,这个默认值允许20字节的IP首部、8字节的UDP首部和12字节的TDP首部,以适合 1500字节的IP数据报)默认值可以由用户程序设置。 TCP在对端地址为非本地IP时,默认通报为536字节。TDP之所以默认通报为1460,是因为TDP在数据传...
tcp-over-udp name, uni: Erin Liang, ell2147 A simplified version of the transmission control protocol (TCP) that operates over user datagram protocol (UDP) in order to provide reliable data delivery. To simulate a unreliable network, we usenewudpl from the Columbia Internet and Real Time Lab...
./gost -L udp:// -F tcp:// This is the error I'm getting. {"address":":0","connector":"http","dialer":"udp","hop":"hop-0","kind":"connector","level":"error","local":"","msg":"tcp over udp is unsupported","network":"tcp"...
1) TCP over UDP 基于UDP的TCP 2) UDP/TC UDP/TCP 1. As far as the article concerned,SCTP,as compared withUDP/TCP,is more suitable for the application in adverse and high-packet-loss battle environment and advantageous for the transmission of radar intelligence in short message,large bu. ...
OVERUDP针对机器人遥操作系统中采用传统网络传输协议传输实时数据的局限性,比较分析TCP和UDP协议的传输特点,提出了在UDP协议上传输TCP服务的TCP OVER UDP技术,详细阐述了TCP OVER UDP技术的实现细节,在应用层实现了TCP OVER UDP传输技术,并把TCP OVER UDP技术应用到机器人遥操作系统的视频传输中.实验结果表明TCP OVER ...
How does a server send packets back to the client if there is only a UDP connection, when the client is behind a firewall, and UDP by definition does not maintain a stateful connection. If I had a better mental model of this, then I would be better able to diagnose any firewall prob...
TCP Over TCP问题一般只会出现在三层隧道但是用TCP传输的情况。解决方案有:1.换UDP传输2.换成四层传输怎么个四层连接法?就是proxy。进来,拷贝过去,然后对端再把数据拷贝出去,这样来回拷贝避免了TCP Over TCP的问题。缺点就是多了1条TCP需要处理,增大了时延。
gnb_udp_over_tcp GNB是一个开源的去中心化的具有极致内网穿透能力的通过P2P进行三层网络交换的VPN。 GNB节点间通过UDP协议传输数据,在一些网络环境下的路由器/防火墙会对UDP分组实施QOS策略,因此通过tcp链路转发GNB数据是不需要改动GNB通讯协议又可以提升GNB网络适应能力的一个办法。
(TCP/UDP). In order to cope with legacy devices, the mechanism should not impact the end devices (terminal or server). It should then be implemented in an intermediate device like an AP or a bridge, where bridge and/or AP are used herein to include router and/or brouter or any device...