目标端口号(16bit) UDP长度(16bit),用来指出UDP的总长度,为首部加上数据(四层+五层数据) UDP校验和(16bit),用来完成对UDP数据的差错检验,它是UDP协议提供的唯一可靠机制 TCP VS UDP 小结: TCP向上层提供面向连接的可靠服务,UDP提供无连接的不可靠服务 UDP没有TCP传输可靠,但是可以在实时性要求高的地方应用 对...
UDP is suitable for applications that need fast, efficient transmission, such as games. UDP's stateless nature is also useful for servers that answer small queries from huge numbers of clients. Use by other protocols HTTP, HTTPs, FTP, SMTP, Telnet DNS, DHCP, TFTP, SNMP, RIP, VOIP. Orderin...
Overall, TCP and UDP are both useful protocols, so to think in terms of TCP vs UDP is a bit misleading. But depending on the type of data transfer, TCP or UDP might be better for the job. Here are some examples: TCP is best for: Email or texting File transfers Web browsing UDP is...
UDP also provides a 16 bit checksum, which in theory is meant to protect you from receiving invalid or truncated data, but you can’t even trust this, since 16 bits is just not enough protection when you are sending UDP packets rapidly over a long period of time. Statistically, you can...
TCP vs UDPWhat is the TCP?The TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. If we want the communication between two computers and communication should be good and reliable. For example, we want to view a web page, then we expect that nothing should be missing on the page, or we want ...
面向连接:面向连接意味着TCP通信是一对一的,即点对点端到端的通信,不像UDP可以同时向多个主机发送消息,因此无法实现一对多的通信。 可靠的:TCP的可靠性保证了无论网络链路中发生何种变化,TCP都能确保报文的可靠传输到达接收端,这也使得TCP的协议报文格式相比UDP更为复杂。
TCP vs. UDP TCP and UDP are two different protocols used for transmitting data over the internet. The key differences between TCP and UDP include the following: TCP provides reliable delivery due to the process of error detection, in which TCP retransmits and reorders packets after they arrive...
**相似之处**:TCP和UDP的比较 在计算机网络中,有两种常见的传输层协议:传输控制协议(TCP)和用户数据报协议(UDP)。它们在很多方面都具有相似之处,但也有一些关键的区别。本文将探讨这两种协议在某些方面的相似之处,以便更好地理解它们的功能和应用。
UDP 并不具备以上这些特性,它只管发送数据封包,而且 UDP 不需要 ACK,这意味着消息发送出去成功与否 UDP 是不管的。 3. 连接 vs 无连接 TCP 是一个面向连接的协议(Connection-oriented Protocol),传输数据必须先建立连接。 UDP 是一个无连接协议(Connection-less Protocol),数据随时都可以发送,只提供发送封包(Datag...
使用UDP我们能够向目标IP和端口(例如80),发送数据包。数据包会达到目标计算机或者丢失。 收件人(目标计算机),我们只需要监听具体的端口(例如:80),当从任意一台计算机(注意:UDP是不建立连接的)接受到数据包后,我们会得知发送数据包的计算机地址(IP地址)和端口、数据包的大小、内容。