Solved: Hi All, I would like to ssek your assistance on the following vunerability: TCP timestamp response (generic-tcp-timestamp) Description:
tcp_frto_response (entier ; 0 par défaut ; depuis Linux 2.6.22) When F-RTO has detected that a TCP retransmission timeout was spurious (i.e., the timeout would have been avoided had TCP set a longer retransmission timeout), TCP has several options concerning what to do next. Possible...
如果标志设置为TCP_DISCONNECT_ABORTIVE_CLOSE,卸载目标将通过在指定的 TCP 连接上发送 RST 段来执行中止断开连接。 注意这是卸载目标可以发送 RST 段的唯一实例。 NdisTcpOffloadDisconnectComplete 状态 NdisTcpOffloadSendComplete 卸载目标在发送 RST 段之前或之后终止未完成的发送请求并不重要。
TCP 连接发生超时。TimeoutExpiration命令的 卸载目标请求上传的原因未指定。UploadRequested命令的 卸载目标检测到 TCP 连接上丢弃了过多的传输段。HighDropRate自选 卸载目标检测到 TCP 连接上收到过多的片段。HighFragmentation自选 卸载目标在 TCP 连接上收到了过多的无序段。HighOutofOrderPackets自选...
Starting with Windows Server 2008 and Vista, the timestamp can not be completely disabled. The default behavior of the TCP/IP stack on this Systems is to not use the Timestamp options when initiating TCP connections, but use them if the TCP peer that is initiating communication includes them...
RTT(Round-Trip Time):往返时间。是指一个报文段从发出去到收到此报文段的ACK所经历的时间。通常一个报文段的RTT与传播时延和发送时延两个因素相关。 在发送的过程中有可能发生这样的情况,即TCP两端的传输“管道”被填满,即整个管道上都有数据在跑,此时不管拥塞窗口和通告窗口是多少,管道上都不能在容纳更多的数...
tcp_timestamps 打开RFC1323 协议中 TCP 时间戳. tcp_fin_timeout 规定强迫关闭套接字前,等待最后结束数据包的秒数。这确实与 TCP 协议中有关规定相违背。但这是防止拒绝服务攻击所要求的。 tcp_keepalive_probes 丢弃数据包前,进行最大 TCP 保持连接侦测. 保持连接仅在 SO_KEEPALIVE 套接字选项被打...
|- tcp_init Proto_register主要为tcp分配几个重要的slab, prot->slab主要为了给tcp_sock分配内存空间, tcp_sock是TCP链接保活期间的一个重要的控制结构体。 其次request_sock->slab,为请求的connect分配空间(后文会提到为什么需要一个单独的请求缓存分配区域)。 Twsk->prot->twsk_slab,处于TCP_TIME_WAIT队列的套...
(bytes, -q) 819200 real-time priority (-r) 0 stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192 cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited max user processes (-u) 63498 virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited file locks (-x) unlimited net.ipv4.tcp_abort_on_overflow = 0 net.ipv4.tcp_adv_win_scale = 1 net....
There are many additional options we can set such as routing, version, parent, timestamp and op type. See official documentation for additional options, all of which exist in the DSL as keywords that reflect their name in the official API....