MSS在连接开始建立时确定,由于TCP Receive Window被调整为MSS的整数倍,在数据传输中完全长度的TCP数据段的比例增加,故而提高了网络吞吐率。 缺省情况下,TCP将试图根据MSS来优化窗口大小,起始值为16KB,最大值为64KB。TCPWindowSize的最大值通常为65535字节(64KB),以太网最大段长度为1460字节,低于64KB的1460的最大整...
TCP在发送端和接收端之间动态调整一个最大段长度MSS(Maximum Segment Size)的整数倍。MSS在连接开始建立时确定,由于TCP Receive Window被调整为MSS的整数倍,在数据传输中完全长度的TCP数据段的比例增加,故而提高了网络吞吐率。 缺省情况下,TCP将试图根据MSS来优化窗口大小,起始值为16KB,最大值为64KB。TCPWindowSize...
MSS在连接开始建立时确定,由于TCP Receive Window被调整为MSS的整数倍,在数据传输中完全长度的TCP数据段的比例增加,故而提高了网络吞吐率。 缺省情况下,TCP将试图根据MSS来优化窗口大小,起始值为16KB,最大值为64KB。TCPWindowSize的最大值通常为65535字节(64KB),以太网最大段长度为1460字节,低于64KB的1460的最大整...
TCP window size The TCP receive window size is the amount of receive data (in bytes) that can be buffered during a connection. The sending host can send only that amount of data before it must wait for an acknowledgment and window update from the receiving host. The Windows TCP/IP stack...
接收方维护下面3个变量:接收窗口大小(receive window size),记为RW S,给出接收方所能接收的无序帧数目的上界; L A F表示可接收帧(l a rgestacceptable frame)的序号;L F R表示最近收到的帧(last frame re ce i v e d)的序号。接收方也维持如下不变式: ...
The TCP receive window size is the amount of receive data (in bytes) that can be buffered at one time on a connection. The sending host can send only that amount of data before waiting for an acknowledgment and window update from the receiving host. The Windows Embedded CE TCP/IP stack ...
The TCP receive window size is the amount of receive data (in bytes) that can be buffered at one time on a connection. The sending host can send only that amount of data before waiting for an acknowledgment and window update from the receiving host. The Windows Embedded CE TCP/IP stack ...
TCPWindowSize的值表示TCP的窗口大小。TCP Receive Window(TCP数据接收缓冲)定义了发送端在没有获得接收端的确认信息的状态下可以发送的最大字节数。此数值越大,返回的确认信息就越少,相应的在发送端和接收端之间的通信就越好。此数值较小时可以降低发送端在等待接收端返回确认信息时发生超时的可能性,...
这样会严重影响TCP的传输带宽。所以就有TCP window的概念,如果TCP接收方通过TCP WINDOW告诉发送方自己的TCP WINDOW size,那么发送方就可以一口气最多发送TCP WINDOW size大小的数据包,而不用每次发送都要等对方ACK。这样可以大大加快TCP的传出带宽。
TCPWindowSize的值表示TCP的窗口大小。TCP Receive Window(TCP数据接收缓冲)定义了发送端在没有获得接收端的确认信息的状态下可以发送的最大字节数。此数值越大,返回的确认信息就越少,相应的在发送端和接收端之间的通信就越好。此数值较小时可以降低发送端在等待接收端返回确认信息时发生超时的可能性,但这将增加网络...