TCP协议中FLAG的含义 2012-12-26 17:02 −TCP FLAG 标记基于标记的TCP包匹配经常被用于过滤试图打开新连接的TCP数据包。 TCP标记和他们的意义如下所列 F : FIN - 结束; 结束会话 S : SYN - 同步; 表示开始会话请求 R : RST - 复位;中断一个连接 P : PUSH -... ...
发送方使用该标志通知接收方将所收到的数据全部提交给接收进程。这里的数据包括接收方已经接收放在接收缓存的数据和刚刚收到的PUSH位置一的TCP报文中封装的应用数据。 还是看一个简单明了的图示吧:
[TCP] TCP连接中的五个常见flag标志位 SYN表示建立连接, FIN表示关闭连接, ACK表示响应, PSH表示有 DATA数据传输, RST表示连接重置 F : FIN - 结束; 结束会话 S : SYN - 同步; 表示开始会话请求 R : RST - 复位;中断一个连接 P : PUSH - 推送; 数据包立即发送 A : ACK - 应答 在tcpdump中看到...
Tcpdump will, if not run with the -c flag, continue capturing packets until it is interrupted by a SIGINT signal (generated, for example, by typing your inter‐ rupt character, typically control-C) or a SIGTERM signal (typically generated with the kill(1) command); if run with the -c...
代码语言:javascript 复制 TCPFlag tcpdump Flag MeaningSYNSSyn packet,a session establishment request.ACKAAck packet,acknowledge sender’s data.FINFFinish flag,indicationoftermination.RESETRReset,indicationofimmediate abortofconn.PUSHPPush,immediate pushofdata from sender.URGENTUUrgent,takes precedence over ...
PSH: The "Push" flag ensures that a TCP segment is immediately pushed through without first being sent to the buffer of the sender and receiver. RST: If there is an error during transmission, a TCP packet with the RST flag set can be used to reset the connection. ...
If it is not run with the -c flag, tcpdump continues capturing packets until it is interrupted by a SIGINT signal (typically control-C) or a SIGTERM signal (typically the kill(1) command). If tcpdump is run with the -c flag, it captures the packets until it is interrupted by a SIG...
id: service id flag. server_addr: proxies's address requested by the client, format: IP: port. client_addr: client address, format: IP: port. target_addr: target address, format: "IP: port", when tcp / udp proxy, this is empty. username: proxy authentication user name, this is empt...
id: service id flag. server_addr: proxies's address requested by the client, format: IP: port. client_addr: client address, format: IP: port. target_addr: target address, format: "IP: port", when tcp / udp proxy, this is empty. username: proxy authentication user name, this is empt...