Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. 问题分析:客户端与服务端网络不通、端口错误或待连接CN异常。 处理方法: 客户端ping服务端IP,查看网络是否畅通,网络不通则需解决网络问题。 检查URL中连接CN的端口是否正确,若端口不正确则需修改为正确...
在配置wsDualHttpBinding回调时,启动客户端会出现这样的错误,我是在 Web App中调试的 解决方法:在客户端<bindings/>中添加clientBaseAddress 例如:<bindings> <wsDualHttpBinding> <binding name="WSDualHttpBinding_ICalculatorDuplex"clientBaseAddress="http://localhost:666/myClient/"closeTimeout="00:01:...
iRDMI, or an alternative port for HTTP TCP/80According to the official RFC/Specification for network port allocations port TCP/8000 is allocated to for use by their iRDMI (Intel Remote Desktop Management Interface) protocol, however in reality this protocol is not ...
If the ACL rule containing "range" is applied in the outbound direction, the preceding error is reported. The number of applied rules that contain "range" has reached or exceeded the maximum. The S series car...
400 InvalidParam.EndPort The specified EndPort is invalid. 指定的EndPort无效。请检查参数约束,并在修改后重试。 400 InvalidParam.PortRange The specified PortRange is invalid. 指定的PortRange无效。请检查参数约束,并在修改后重试。 400 Duplicated.AclEntry %s. Acl条目重复。 400 ResourceNotFound.VServer...
Indicates the type of TCP port forwarding. The value is of the enumerated type: remote: Specify remote port forwarding. N/A /huawei-ssh:tcp-port-forwarding/remote/listening-port Indicates the listening port of a peer device. The value is an integer in the range from 0 to 65535. Ports...
vCenter Server 6.0 80 TCP Client PC vCenter Server vCenter Server requires port80for direct HTTP connections. Port80redirects requests to HTTPS port 443. This redirection is useful if you accidentally usehttp://serverinstead ofhttps://server.WS-Management (also requires port 443 to be open)....
SMB sharing inaccessible when TCP port 445 is listening TcpAckFrequency to controll the TCP ACK behavior TCP Chimney Offload, Receive Side Scaling, and Network Direct Memory Access features TCP features in Windows TCP/IP properties revert to the default settings TCP...
Event 1500 when SNMP is enabled Fail to open TCP/IP properties of network adapter How to change the IP address of a network adapter How to configure a subnetted reverse lookup zone How to configure IPv6 for advanced users How to configure RPC dynamic port al...
安装过程中报错,如下图所示。 The specified TCP port is occupied by another service.Please stop that service or use another port.(指定tcp端口已被占用,请停止那个服务或是换一个端口使用) 开始看到这个错的时候,关于建议——请停止那个服务或是换一个端口使用,脑袋里只有停止服务,而忽略了换一个端口使用,...